(ENG)Kompass x Uniswap Event # 2 — Mining Event

1 min readSep 22, 2020


For the convenience of the mining event participants, KOMP will be differentially provided to ALL participants who join in the ETH-KOMP POOL without verification process through Google Form according to the % of the share of pool. (The compensation standard is set at 11PM every day based on the % of the share pool.) (If your % of share pool is high, you can get more KOMP.)


👉 You can continue to participate in the event until the prepared amount of token is exhausted. (No limit on the number of participation per day.)

👉 Amount of reward KOMP offered varies every day and is announced to the official community each day.

👉 KOMP will be rewarded sequentially the next day.

👉 Event ends when the prepared amount of token runs out. The event end date will be announced in advance upon confirmation.

👉 Token distribution may be canceled if participants join in the event in an unfair way.

👉 The event may be terminated early depending on company circumstances.


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Written by iKOMP

Community-based Defi wallet service

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