Kompass foundation’s sencond DeFi Yield Farming Project, iKOMP is opended!
Project overview
As the second DeFi project of the Kompass Foundation, the DeFi Yield Farming project that provides liquidity to Uniswap and stakes the received LP tokens in each POOL of iKOMP and rewards iKOMP as interest.
Token info
Contract: 0x6a625DDb2e2A2de0257C5129364dd80Bb4AfA3B9
Total supply: 146,000 iKOMP(mined for 4 years)
Farming Pool
iKOMP project is special by following reasons
- iKOMP is used as a transaction fee for Kompass Wallet, a virtual currency direct trading platform, is enabling asset circulation in the ecosystem.
- By Referral program, additional iKOMP are paid according to the size and activity of your referrals.
- IKOMP can provide more stable liquidity because it shares some pools with the HLAND project.
- If you participate in Lottery with your iKOMP, you can invest to the entertainment element, which can become the protagonist of luck. (to be opened)
If you want to participate to this project, go to 👉 https://ikomp.app
Way to get material tokens for mining iKOMP
✔️KOMPASS Wallet (www.kompasswallet.io)
- Purchaseable tokens: KOMP, HPLUS, USDT
-Check the video for how to use KOMPASS Wallet!
👉 https://youtu.be/clUXKnZzNDU
✔️Uniswap (https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap)
-Purchaseable tokens: KOMP, HPLUS, USDT, HLAND
✔️Bigone (https://big.one/en)
-Purchaseable tokens: KOMP, USDT, HLAND
✔️Oasis/KOR Won Market (https://oasisexc.com)
-Purchaseable tokens: KOMP, HPLUS, HLAND
Our other resources:
Homepage: http://kompasswallet.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kompasswallet
Telegram https://t.me/kompassKr